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Sustainability at Electronics

At Air Liquide Electronics, we want to lead our industry through our actions for a sustainable future. 

We are committed to reduce our carbon footprint 

  • by sourcing renewable energy for the production of carrier gases (ultrapure N2, O2, Argon)
  • by producing hydrogen by electrolysis powered by renewable energy
  • by optimizing all our production processes and supply chains to reduce our carbon footprint.

Despite our very rapid growth driven by the semiconductor industry’s rapid expansion, our absolute CO2e emissions will start decreasing by 2025.

We support our customers’ climate ambitions

On top of proposing decarbonated products, we are presenting technologies and solutions to help our customers reduce their environmental footprint. 

  1. Air Liquide Electronics has developed a unique capability to engineer new molecules, which can replace existing materials and bring a better performance and a much lower or no global warming power.  

    enScribe™ is a family of advanced etching material that facilitates the manufacturing of complex memory structures, while greatly reducing the environmental impact. When a major semiconductor customer adopts one of these molecules as a replacement to the baseline product, it has the potential to reduce the entire sector’s carbon emissions by up to 1%

  2. The semiconductor industry is using more and more hydrogen in its quest for smaller and always more performing electronics chips. Air Liquide Electronics has developed solutions to produce the required ultrapure hydrogen with electrolyzers using renewable energy, avoiding the need to produce hydrogen from fossil fuel. 

Air Liquide ACTs

At Air Liquide, safety, ethics and respect for human rights are embedded in all our decisions and actions. At Air Liquide Electronics, we adhere to the principles of the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA), which is the world's largest industry coalition dedicated to corporate social responsibility, aiming at the implementation of high social, environmental and ethical standards

Air Liquide sustainability commitment is to ACT:

  • for a low carbon society, by decarbonizing our operations, deploying low carbon solutions with and for our customers and supporting an accelerated deployment of the hydrogen economy
  • for health, by improving the quality of life of patients and helping transform healthcare to better support patients 
  • as a trusted partner, with and for our stakeholders.

Learn more about ACT

About Air Liquide Group

The world leader in gases, technologies and services for Industry and Health, Air Liquide is present in 72 countries with approximately 67,800 employees and serves more than 4 million customers and patients.

We are innovators

Innovation is at the heart of Air Liquide Electronics, to support the Electronics industry, continuously inventing ways to make our devices faster.